MyShedPlans Package

Order Form - Step 1 of 2

My Shed Plans Elite MediumYou are about to place an order for the Brand New MyShedPlans Woodworking Package Set INSTANT DOWNLOAD ACCESS + BONUS for $97.00 $37.00

You can choose either the instant download version or the CD package with online access.

The instant download version allows you get immediate access to the downloads. The CD version means you'll receive a mailed CD to your address plus online download access.


Order the online access version only below for $37 :

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If you'd like to have MyShedPlans shipped to you as a
full CD pack PLUS online downloads, it is $199.95 $57

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Note: You do not need a PayPal account to pay via credit cards

Common Question: What is the difference between the $37 version and the $57 version? ( CD package)

Answer: If you order the CD version, you'll receive MyShedPlans by mail in a PC CD-ROM format which you can run in your PC or Mac. You'll save the trouble and hassle of downloading large files (The higher price is because of the increased costs of production and distribution).

However if you order the $37 version, you'll receive instant access to a members download area where you can download all the shed plans. This is suitable for folks with a fast internet connection and do not wish to receive the actual CD. There is no difference in the product but you will not receive the physical CD in the mail.

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